PAnACEA project started!

PAnACEA  Antibody Protection with Alginate for the treatment of Chronic Enteric Diseases. The project, presented in partnership with Biopolife Srl and funded by the  Anticipation PR FESR 2021-2027 – Incentives to companies for collaborative industrial research and experimental development – call 2022, started on 19 December 2022. For more info about the project, see the

Friuli Venezia Giulia Region Anticipation on PR FESR 2021–2027: the “PAnACEA” project approved for funding

The regional Decree 24533/GRFVG of 22/11/2022 approved the list of eligible applications to receive incentives for Research and industrial development according to the Anticipation PR FESR 2021 -2027 call (announcement approved by DGR 2026/2021). The ranking list is published on the dedicate website [ITA]. The “PAnACEA” project, presented by Transactiva together with the company Bipolife

Transactiva@ Healthtech Innovation days (HTID®) and HealthTech For Care Innovation Award 2022

Transactiva will participate in the 4th edition of the Healthtech Innovation days (HTID®) and run for the HealthTech For Care Innovation Award. The HTID® event, organized by the HealthTech For Care (HTFC) endowment fund, and taking place both online and at the Health Tech Space in Paris (France), on 13th and 14th October 2022,   combines